Foundation Registry

Welcome to the foundation register of StiftungSchweiz.
On this overview page, you will find everything you need to navigate the foundation sector.

You have three options for finding matching foundations:

Foundation Map:

On our foundation map you will find a practical overview of the approximately 14’000 foundations covered by StiftungSchweiz. Search specifically for foundations in regions relevant to you. You can also use the «Topics» field to filter the foundations according to the topic categories.

The foundation map is accessible for free!

For registered users: Benefit from powerful research tools for your foundation search.

Regional Foundation Register:

In the regional foundation register you will find foundations grouped by major Swiss regions and cantons. Simply unfold the list and click on the major region or canton of your choice.

Foundations Switzerland

Foundations Lake Geneva Region

Foundations Geneva

Foundations Vaud

Foundations Valais

Foundations Espace Mittelland

Foundations Berne

Foundations Fribourg

Foundations Solothurn

Foundations Neuchâtel

Foundations Jura

Foundations Northwestern Switzerland

Foundations Basel-City

Foundations Basel-Landschaft

Foundations Aargau

Foundations Zurich

Foundations Eastern Switzerland

Foundations St. Gallen

Foundations Thurgau

Foundations Appenzell Innerrhoden

Foundations Appenzell Ausserrhoden

Foundations Glarus

Foundations Schaffhausen

Foundations Grisons

Foundations Central Switzerland

Foundations Lucerne

Foundations Uri

Foundations Schwyz

Foundations Obwalden

Foundations Nidwalden

Foundations Zug

Foundations Ticino

Thematic Foundation Directory