Foundations in the Canton of Uri

There were 57 foundations in the canton of Uri at the end of 2022. Compared to the 13’635 foundations in Switzerland, this number seems small initially. However, in relation to the size and population of the canton, it is in line with the national average.

Uri: Home of William Tell and the Dätwyler Stiftung

The canton of Uri offers a rich landscape and history, which provides a variety of attractions. The imposing mountain landscapes are transformed into veritable ski hotspots in winter, while the idyllic Lake of Uri and the glaciers on the Gotthard are equally well-known and popular. Furthermore, the original canton is known to be the home of the national hero William Tell and is also home to various foundations: according to the Swiss Foundation Report, there were a total of 57 foundations at the end of 2022, which represents growth compared to the previous year – two foundations were newly established. At first glance, this seems like a small number compared to the 13’635 active foundations nationwide, but given the canton’s population of about 37’000, this amounts to 15,3 foundations per 10’000 people, which is about the national average.

Foundation Landscape in the Canton of Uri

Many of the foundations based or active in the canton of Uri are involved in the social sector. For example, Stiftung Behindertenbetriebe Uri and Stiftung Phönix Uri are committed to the quality of life of people with disabilities, while the Stiftung Pro Senectute Kanton Uri maintains and promotes the well-being of the elderly population of the region.

The regional foundations also focus on art and culture, health, and education. Many foundations not only provide funding, but are also actively involved with their own projects. This is done, for example, through the management of cultural meeting places, the implementation of renaturation measures or the preservation of historic sites.

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When talking about foundations in Uri, the Dätwyler Stiftung, which is located in Altdorf, should not be left out – after all, it is one of the largest foundations in Switzerland and supports all kinds of projects that have a connection to the canton.

Find Grant Giving Organizations & Non-Profit Organizations in Uri

Are you looking for a suitable foundation in the canton of Uri? In the StiftungSchweiz foundation register, you can quickly narrow down your search and find what you are looking for with just a few clicks using intuitive filters. Furthermore, the platform provides an overview of currently running projects – in the canton of Uri or in the whole of Switzerland.