Foundations for People with Disabilities in Switzerland

Many people with disabilities face additional challenges in everyday life, experience discrimination, and experience limited participation in society. Projects and foundations for disabled people in Switzerland work for inclusion and the removal of barriers and support people with disabilities on a practical, financial and social level.

Foundations for People with Disabilities in Switzerland

According to estimates, 1,7 million people in Switzerland live with physical, mental or intellectual impairments. Nearly 600’000 of them (29 percent) are considered severely impaired, unable to live independently at home due to their disability. In addition to the limitations imposed by their impairment, people with disabilities face prejudice, are often marginalized, and face language, social, functional, and spatial barriers.

Foundations in Switzerland, which advocate for people with disabilities and facilitate disability projects, help to break down these barriers by enabling support and assistance and working towards an inclusive, barrier-free society. Together with foundations for health and foundations for social welfare, foundations for people with disabilities combat social inequality and strengthen social justice.

The Stiftung Behinderten-Transporte Zürich for example, enables wheelchair users and all persons with limited mobility to extend their freedom of movement. This not only reduces practical and financial barriers, but also improves social participation.

Support for Families with Disabled Children through Swiss Foundations

The early support and inclusion of children with disabilities strengthens self-confidence and increases the chance of later employment and a life as self-determined as possible. Furthermore, the contact of disabled and non-disabled children contributes to a better visibility and acceptance in society and reduces fears of contact or prevents them from developing. Special foundations for children with disabilities and their families are also an important point of contact for parents and relatives when a disability is diagnosed or suspected in babies and young children. Disabilities resulting from an accident or illness later in childhood also represent a major disruption to family life, and it is important to provide the best possible support to children and their families during this time. Such projects and facilities are supported, for example, by the Stiftung für das behinderte Kind based in Zurich.

For nonprofits: Collect donations online for your organization and projects or set up systematic digital fundraising.

Together for an Inclusive Society: Project Owners and Foundations for Severely Disabled People

As Switzerland’s largest digital philanthropy community, StiftungSchweiz brings together grant giving foundations foundations, operating foundations, project owners, companies and private individuals who want to work together to effect social change and fight social injustice. The removal of barriers can take very different forms. For example, the Stiftung Rechtshilfe für Behinderte supports free legal advice and legal aid for disabled people to enforce their rights to equality. Discrimination against people with disabilities is still particularly prevalent in the insurance industry and in the workplace. The Stiftung Rotary Club Basel für Betagte und Behinderte on the other hand, supports the therapy and care of people with disabilities and contributes to the costs of such measures, promotes therapy and healing facilities and pays the wage costs of nurses and other caregivers.