Foundations in the Canton of Geneva

Foundations based in Geneva or operating in the canton cover the entire spectrum of charitable purposes in their thematic orientation. In particular, art and culture, research and science, education, but also health are of great importance to foundations in Geneva.

Foundations in the Canton of Geneva – the Scene of Intercultural Encounters & International Relations

The canton of Geneva and its capital of the same name can look back on a long and venerable history of culture, education and politics: the University of Geneva, 120 art galleries, several museums and 175 diplomatic missions bear witness to this. Located on the border with France in French-speaking Switzerland, Geneva is the scene of intercultural encounters, international relations and scientific discoveries. Combined with a very good economic situation, Geneva is thus a fertile breeding ground for grant giving organizations, charitable projects and initiatives. You can find out here what the Geneva foundation landscape actually consists of, what the priorities of many grant giving organizations and fundraisers in Geneva are, and opportunities for networking and making contact with Geneva foundations and projects.

Philanthropy & Foundations in Geneva, City & Canton

What do New York City and the city of Geneva have in common? – both cities are home to the most international organisations in the world. In Geneva, for example, these are the United Nations Organisation (UNO), the International Committee of the Red Cross and the World Health Organisation (WHO). These internationally active and respected organisations have a great influence on the foundation landscape as well as the general interest in philanthropy and nonprofit associations. The Swiss Foundation Report 23 counted 1’333 foundations in the canton of Geneva in 2022. With 26 foundations per 10’000 inhabitants, Geneva thus ranks fourth among the Swiss cantons with the highest foundation density. Compared to the previous year, the foundation landscape in the canton has grown: 63 new foundations have been established in Geneva. This is the highest number of new foundations nationwide.

The Geneva Foundation Landscape & its Focus Areas

Foundations based in Geneva or operating in the canton cover the entire spectrum of charitable purposes in their thematic orientation. In particular, art and culture, research and science, education, but also health are of great importance to foundations in Geneva. But the areas of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, politics, society, the economy and environmental protection are also promoted and represented by numerous foundations throughout the canton.

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Find Grant Giving Organizations in Geneva, get Information, Contact them

For fundraisers in Geneva, a strategic approach and an efficient way of working is the key to success. The large number of different foundations requires intensive research and preparatory work. Before contact is made, a detailed check of the eligible grant giving organizations is required. The framework conditions, the funding volume and the thematic focus should match the non-profit organization and the project in order to avoid superfluous applications and cover letters and to contact suitable institutions in a targeted manner.

As a digital platform for philanthropy, offers fundraisers, non-profit organizations, grant giving organizations and private individuals comprehensive information on foundations in Geneva and throughout Switzerland. Networking, news, events, jobs, know-how and studies: everything that is currently relevant or important in the Swiss nonprofit world can be found on the platform. In the clever foundation register with intuitive filter and search options, suitable contact persons, projects and contacts can be found quickly. The associated largest digital donation platform in Switzerland brings donors and projects together and also helps small initiatives to achieve reach and attention. Whether it’s foundations in Geneva or elsewhere in Switzerland, if you have a heart for philanthropy, you can’t get around