StiftungSchweiz Portraits

Show presence

Become part of the largest Swiss philanthropy community and create a portrait for your organization and projects in just a few steps. Communicate what you want and as much as you want: As a nonprofit, showcase your organization’s charitable work, or as a funder, describe your funding organization’s funding priorities and accessibility.

Present your organization

  • Create a portrait for free and in a few steps and present your organization on your own microsite
  • Benefit from an entry in the largest Swiss foundation directory and gain visibility and reach with a well-groomed portrait
  • Provide interested parties with a clear and substantive look at your philanthropic activities.
  • Full flexibility: all details and project descriptions can be changed at any time
  • Create and print handy booklets of your portraits

Determine your communication

  • You decide which and how much information you want to communicate publicly
  • Use a layout that is perfectly tailored to the communication needs of nonprofits and funding organizations
  • Funding organizations communicate, for example, funding focus and preferred application path or publish information exclusively for other funding organizations
  • Non-profit organizations present their charitable activity and provide, for example, information about their goals, principles and funding history
  • Tax-exempt organizations additionally create a portrait on the donation platform with specific content for private donors.

Create profile for free: Even in the Free level, you can create organizational and project portraits – without any restrictions.

Present your projects

  • Create a portrait for all your projects starting from the Free level
  • Show impressively what your organization is specifically committed to and needs funding for
  • Provide precise details about your project that will give prospects an immediate lasting impression
  • Describe the project story, project duration and budget, or which SDGs the project is pursuing
  • Collect donations directly with a project portrait on the donation platform and communicate even more visually

New: umbrella foundations and endowment funds

  • New portrait type: umbrella foundation and endowment fund
  • A separate portrait can be created for each endowment fund
  • Clear presentation of the links between the endowment fund and the umbrella foundation

Frequently asked questions

From the Free level, you can create a portrait for your organization and projects. Click here to register.

Even at the Free level, you can create portraits for as many of your projects as you like. There is no quantity limit.

A portrait on the donation platform offers additional content such as an appeal for donations, the possibility to present additional pictures and videos and donors can leave comments.