is the largest Swiss online portal to the non-profit world. The platform is primarily aimed at non-profit organisations and their supporters. It provides the necessary information, digital tools and appropriate services for effective, well-connected and transparent philanthropy.
StiftungSchweiz is an initiative of Basler Philanthropy Services AG. StiftungSchweiz is backed by the Zürcher Kantonalbank, the association of swiss grant-making foundations SwissFoundations and a broad-based consortium of grant-making foundations. Our common goal: to use the potential of digitalisation for effective philanthropy.
The team of StiftungSchweiz
Fabienne Angst
Partner Solutions
Eldina Begic
Accounting & Administration
Moritz Brunner
Head of Digital Marketing
Claire de Trey-Freymond
Product Development
Claudia Dutli
Media & Communications, Publishing Director The Philanthropist
Cyril Jocz
Support & Administration
Anne Mayer
Customer Success
Yara Ouertani
Data Quality & Marketing
Christoph Rombach
Digital Fundraising & Donation Platform
Stefan Schöbi
Susanne Sugimoto
Editorial Director The Philanthropist
Takashi Sugimoto
Editorial Director The Philanthropist
The partners of StiftungSchweiz
3 Questions for Stefan Schöbi
Stefan Schöbi has been CEO of StiftungSchweiz since November 1, 2022. Previously, he established and managed the Migros Pioneer Fund, which was founded in 2012, and was most recently responsible for the Migros Group’s entire national social commitment. From 2008 to 2012, he was head of marketing at the Zurich University of the Arts. Schöbi studied literature in Zurich, Berlin and Vienna and earned his doctorate on Zurich’s economic history. He holds an MBA in Marketing and certificates from INSEAD and Stanford University.
We see StiftungSchweiz as a movement that can only be successful if all sides are committed and pursue a common goal.
On November 1, 2022, you took over the baton as Managing Director from founder Peter Buss. What particularly appeals to you about this role?
The idea behind StiftungSchweiz is as simple as it is visionary – to use digital tools to simplify philanthropy, shift the focus from fundraising to impact, and bring participants closer together. Peter Buss started with this idea almost 10 years ago. Today we feel that the time is ripe – now more than ever. And that we can and want to be much more as an innovator for the sector than an operator of a directory of sponsors. Philanthropy is unique because of its diversity. Typically, only the big, well-established organizations and projects are visible. But we also want to pay close attention to the many small ones that our world so desperately needs. We want to support and accompany them on their way to sustainable success.
You want to drive further development co-creatively. What can we expect from such an approach?
The aim is to create solutions that simplify everyday life for users of the platform. NPOs, grant giving foundations, companies and donors know best where to start and what to improve. Therefore, we invite them to actively contribute to the further development of with ideas, wishes and suggestions. We are aware that we still have a long way to go.
What are your three wishes for the sector?
That the players don’t wait and think: Oh, something is moving, let’s see what happens. But rather that they actively participate in the process of change and thereby lead us to good solutions and useful offers. So for them to take the step into digital philanthropy with us now and maintain their digital profile. We see StiftungSchweiz as a movement that can only be successful if all sides are committed and pursue a common goal. That is only one wish, but it is a big one.
StiftungSchweiz in the media
CEPS | Philanthropy up to date December 2022
Seeing through at the push of a button: More collaboration among NPOs also means knowing more precisely what others are doing and what they can do better than you, says Stefan Schöbi, CEO of the platform.
There are over 13’000 foundations in Switzerland – but only very few have an online presence. StiftungSchweiz provides a solution with its online platform and the magazine «The Philanthropist».
«People in Switzerland want to do good, and they do. On average, 84 percent of Swiss households donate around 300 francs a year.» Dr. Peter Buss shows where StiftungSchweiz’s donation platform comes in.
«Digitization simplifies matching between project owners, grant giving foundations and private donors,» Peter Buss in ZH, the magazine of Zürcher Kantonalbank. Focus topic: «Mirror of society. Zurich has a rich foundation tradition».
«We do good» Switzerland / Liechtenstein (No. 1) 9.12.201908.12.2019
Dr. Peter Buss in an interview with the magazine «Wir tun Gutes» on key questions about the potential of digitization for the nonprofit sector. How has the sector developed over all these years? …
Way, way too much paper in the mailbox! There is another way.25.10.2019
The leaves are falling, it’s getting close to the end of the year – this is also the time when many donation letters land in the mailbox. Digitization can help remedy this situation. Peter Buss in conversation with Manuel Rentsch in the SRF Wirtschaft feature from 27.10.2019
In the first installment of its summer series, «Trend» browses through the directory of all foundations in Switzerland and talks to the operator of the online database, which aims to bring together foundation managers with people looking for money.
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