On stiftungschweiz.ch, there are different subscriptions that are tailored to individual user needs. How the subscriptions differ in detail, you can find here ».

On the StiftungSchweiz platform at stiftungen.stiftungschweiz.ch you will find all charitable foundations in Switzerland. You can filter these according to topic, target group or area of impact and contact them directly via the platform. Here » you can additionally create your project and thus also give private individuals the opportunity to donate to your project at spenden.stiftungschweiz.ch.

To meet the needs of the various players in the philanthropy sector, we offer different roles. These are tailored to the individual requirements of the players and open up access to customized services. This way, we ensure that you only pay for the services you need.

On stiftungschweiz.ch you will find all charitable foundations in Switzerland that are registered in the commercial register. This also includes church foundations. Therefore, more than 13000 foundations are listed on stiftungschweiz.ch. Family foundations and welfare foundations are not represented on the platform.

StiftungSchweiz is an initiative of Philanthropy Services AG from Basel. You can find out more about this under the menu item “about StiftungSchweiz”.

Currently, StiftungSchweiz is only active in Switzerland. Accordingly, only foundations from the Swiss Commercial Register are currently listed on stiftungschweiz.ch.

No, StiftungSchweiz is not a foundation. Originally, StiftungSchweiz was primarily a platform for foundation research – hence the name. Meanwhile, the offer is more diverse and covers all areas of philanthropy. You can find more about StiftungSchweiz under “about us StiftungSchweiz”.

As a private individual, organization or company, you can donate directly to an organization or project of your choice on spenden.stiftungschweiz.ch.

No, only tax-exempt Swiss organizations can be activated on the donation platform. We had to introduce this restriction due to the money laundering act. However, this is how we guarantee that all processes are legally compliant and that donations reach the organizations safely and efficiently.

The categorization of foundations is based on the NonproCons System of categorisation of classical foundations (NKS). This system was developed by the company NonproCons AG. The classification of foundations is based on their description of purpose in the commercial register. You can find more information here ».

As a project owner, you can – after you have also entered your organization – create your projects with a project portrait on stiftungschweiz.ch.

Yes, Grant Giver can also create projects. If the projects are sponsored by you, you can add them to your grantmaking organization portrait. If you are both promoting and implementing your own projects, you can create a second organizational portrait in the role of a project sponsor.

StiftungSchweiz takes over the purpose as entered in the commercial register. A change of purpose must therefore be made in the commercial register.

Once you have registered on stiftungschweiz.ch, you can check and/or complete your personal details on your account (the button can be found at the top right).

Even after registering on stiftungschweiz.ch, you can of course delete your account at any time. Please contact support – we will be happy to do this for you.

To cancel your subscription, please email office@stiftungschweiz.ch. The duration varies depending on the subscription you have chosen. Monthly subscriptions have a minimum term of three months, after which you can cancel it monthly. You must cancel an annual subscription at least one month before it expires.

Since the donation platform has only been online since September 24th of 2021, it still needs some time to really take off. We are currently working hard to expand the platform’s reach and attract more users. Among other things, the current linking on the SwissPass page and the cooperation with TWINT from January 2021 are important for this. At the same time, we are also continuously developing the user experience. In addition, we’re developping a donation button that can be easily implemented on your website. In the future, you can easily link to the desired project or organization portrait on stiftungschweiz.ch and collect donations via your website without any further contracts with payment providers etc.

You yourself can also contribute to the success of your digital fundraising! An attractive organization and project portrait on stiftungschweiz.ch is important – preferably with short, meaningful texts, photos and video clips. Also inform companies and people you work with that StiftungSchweiz enables simple and direct donations for your organization. We are happy to support you – for example, with a QR code for your printed materials such as donation mailings or christmas letters. We are happy to help you with that!