The Philanthropist «On giving»
Donate blood. Donate organs. Donate time. And the classic: donate money. Just like that. Tax-exempt. For a good cause. Whether you’re rich or poor. Each person gives to precisely those causes that they personally believe to be important. Donating is an act of both solidarity and liberality.
Be inspired by this thought-provoking issue of the Philanthropist. And maybe it’ll make you consider donating, too.

Annual subscription to The Philanthropist
Quality with background and substance: Each issue is dedicated to a key topic related to the practical work of the foundation on around 40 pages. Various aspects of the topic are highlighted in specialist articles, expert interviews, background reports and features.
Price: CHF 52.-
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Who is behind “The Philanthropist”?
The Philanthropist is StiftungSchweiz’s independent magazine, which is published four times a year in print and online. Carefully researched reports, exciting interviews, commentaries by proven specialists as well as the guide and a wide range of short news items make for entertaining and informative reading.

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