
The new application and funding management of StiftungSchweiz

While the new network module was launched in June, we are now pleased to announce the fourth and decisive core service of stiftungschweiz.ch: Our application and funding management. It is a comprehensive expansion that we would like to give you a first insight into here. Stay tuned: the module will go live on November 22, 2023. Read the article to find out which functions you will soon benefit from.

The application and funding management is designed to enable a seamless and focused application process. This module is continuously developed in successive extensions and adapted to the needs of users.

The main beneficiaries are:
– Non-profit organizations as applicants
– Employees in the management (or foundation board members tasked with this)
– Experts and decision-making bodies (foundation board members)

The first version, which will be launched in November, will focus on application submission and application management by the head office, followed in April and June 2024 by further modules relating to decision management by the Board of Trustees, funding management and an extended backend for applicants.

The highlights of the application and funding management

The application and funding management is seamlessly integrated into the stiftungschweiz.ch platform. The basis for an application is therefore always the free public profile – this guarantees integrity, because every organization is checked by the StiftungSchweiz team before it is activated. The search also leads to realistic application options – and excludes others from the outset. Although we cannot prevent an unsuitable application from being submitted, we can and will assist in the identification of suitable organizations.

Tried and tested philanthropy processes were the guiding principle during development – the module is designed to support nonprofits and funders accordingly and ensure that processes run smoothly and as efficiently as possible. A practical example: The tool supports a typical process in which the pre-selected applications are prepared in a standardized manner by the head office, provided with a recommendation and then sent to the Board of Trustees in advance of the meeting. A configurable template is used that supports recognizability while still allowing for individual structuring and design.

Furthermore, a journal function offers the possibility of seamlessly documenting the entire process from pre-selection to promotion. The application and funding management is seamlessly integrated into the existing platform. We use the network module to support dynamic implementation and a fruitful dialog, be it between the members of the foundation board, between different funding foundations working on the same application or – in the event of a positive funding decision – between the office and project partners.

The following strengths characterize the application and funding management on stiftungschweiz.ch:

Simplicity: Applicants can use their existing profile information and thus considerably simplify the application process.
Quality control: Each organisation is checked by StiftungSchweiz before publication on the platform
Individualized process: Thanks to a clever tagging system, foundations can map their specific application process.
Secure data storage: All documents are stored securely in the cloud. Past funding activities can also be imported if required.

The development principle behind the module: Three central guiding principles

Since the spring of this year, we have been working intensively on the development of the application and funding management. Even though the first line of code was only written in October, we have already invested a lot of time and care in its development. And not just us: Many foundations, both large and small, were involved in the development process. We analyzed dozens of application forms and conducted interviews with key people from grant-giving foundations. Another key aspect was the involvement of applicants in the dialog.

There are three guiding principles that StiftungSchweiz follows in the further development of the platform.

  1. Made for philanthropy: Our digital tools are not generic – they are tailor-made for philanthropy. Every feature, every function, is the result of an in-depth analysis of the specific needs and challenges in the non-profit world. It’s about creating real value and addressing specific issues that arise in the philanthropic sector.
  2. Focus on ease of use: In a world where technology can often be complex and challenging, we focus on simplicity. Our offerings are designed to cover a wide range of needs, but are still simple and intuitive to use. This UX-first approach ensures that everyone – from tech pros to novices – can benefit from our solutions.
  3. Added value for both sides: We strive to create solutions that offer real added value for both non-profit organizations and funding organizations. This mutual benefit promotes productive digital interaction and strengthens the relationships between the players. By building bridges and facilitating interaction, we create a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Services relating to the new application and funding management system

The new module is rounded off by customized services. The StiftungSchweiz team is on hand to support users from the design of the application process through to pre-selection.

A selection of our services:

– Advice on the ideal definition of eligibility requirements and criteria
– Design of the perfect application form
– Pre-selection of applications based on clear criteria

If funding organizations are confronted with resource bottlenecks or simply wish to obtain specialist expertise, StiftungSchweiz will be happy to assist you. Our team has the necessary know-how and experience to design processes efficiently, avoid pitfalls and prepare solutions that are tailored to individual needs. With StiftungSchweiz at your side, you can be sure that your funding processes will be optimized and your mission effectively supported.

Further development and integration

The continuous development and optimization of our digital offerings is very important to us at StiftungSchweiz. This is also reflected in the planned development steps for our platform:

Step 1 (Go-Live November 22, 2023): In this first phase, the focus is on application submission and management, with a particular focus on management.
Step 2 (go-live April 2024): The focus here is on funding and decision management, whereby the foundation board members in particular are addressed.
Step 3 (go-live June 2024): In this step, application management will be further optimized and supplemented by comprehensive reporting. The focus here is particularly on the applicants. A key milestone in this step is the integration of the interface to AlphaFoundation.

AlphaFoundation is an important partner for StiftungSchweiz as one of the leading and most widespread services for application and funding management in Switzerland. An efficient interface is being planned that will enable applications to be submitted via StiftungSchweiz, using the organization and project profiles that nonprofits have created on StiftungSchweiz. There are also plans to create an additional interface that will allow StiftungSchweiz to be used for application management and then AlphaFoundation to be used for funding management. The availability of these innovative interfaces is scheduled for July 2024, enabling seamless and efficient handling of conveyor processes.

Information webinars

Are you interested in the new application and funding management system of StiftungSchweiz? Then we recommend our free webinars for StiftungSchweiz users, in which we give you an overview of the functionality and the various approaches to digital application management.

Webinar: The new funding and application management on stiftungschweiz.ch

Are you interested in the funding and application management of StiftungSchweiz and would like to find out more about the new functions and digital options? Then register for the free 30-minute overview webinar and let us guide you through the system first-hand. After the presentation, we will be available to answer questions for a further half hour.

When? Thursday, November 23, 2023 , 16:30 – 17:30, free of charge

Webinar: Application management software in practice

In the digital age, efficient solutions for application and funding management are becoming increasingly relevant. In the webinar, we will give you an overview of the various approaches. The solutions from AlphaFoundation and StiftungSchweiz will then be presented in detail. This webinar is aimed both at foundations that have yet to make the leap into digital application management and at funding organizations that would like to take a critical look at their current solutions. Benefit from in-depth knowledge and take the opportunity to put your questions to industry experts!

When? Monday, December 11, 2023 , 16:00 – 17:00, free of charge

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