
The Campaign Generator: Create your own Fundraising Campaigns in no Time at all

For many NPOs and their supporters, creating their own online fundraising campaigns has so far been a time-consuming and costly undertaking due to a lack of appropriate digital tools. The campaign generator provides a remedy here.

Since its launch, StiftungSchweiz has offered participating non-profit organizations the opportunity to receive donations digitally, easily and securely. The donation platform is available to all users from Starter level upwards who have a tax exemption from the cantonal tax authorities.

With the new campaign generator, StiftungSchweiz now offers a simple and efficient solution that allows you to take digital fundraising into your own hands and support your favorite projects. In just a few steps, you can create a fundraising campaign, advertise it via your own channels and, as a non-profit organization, manage the donations received in your user account.

And this is how it works:

1. Create a Fundraising Campaign

Whether for a private event, a company anniversary or simply as a digital supplement to your fundraising – with just a few clicks you can start your own online fundraising campaign and publish it on stiftungschweiz.ch. You can select up to three projects or organizations that are close to your heart, set the duration of the fundraising campaign and optionally specify a donation target.

2. Advertise the Fundraising Campaign

As soon as your fundraising campaign is online, you can use the campaign generator’s sharing functions to integrate your private and social networks and encourage them to participate in the campaign. And this is where the campaign generator becomes more than just a piece of software: it connects, motivates and empowers its users, creates awareness for your NPO and enables your supporters to become active themselves.

3. Manage Donations

You can always view the current status of the fundraising campaign in your user account. You will also be informed about the donors and their donations so that you can thank them personally. StiftungSchweiz will pay out the donations to the projects and organizations you have selected.

Create Donation Campaigns as a Private Donor

The StiftungSchweiz donation platform is also open to private donors. You can just as easily set up a fundraising campaign using the new tool – be it for your birthday, your wedding or in memory of a loved one.

The campaign generator is available free of charge to all registered users of the StiftungSchweiz donation platform, and donations can be made to any organization listed on the donation platform.

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