By introducing badges, StiftungSchweiz is supporting transparency, commitment and networking in philanthropy. We present our first badges and show you how you can obtain and use them.
In our increasingly digitalized world, badges offer a modern form of recognition and validation of skills, commitment and achievements. StiftungSchweiz uses them to increase transparency and raise the visibility of the diverse activities of its members.
At StiftungSchweiz, we are committed to dedicated, transparent and networked philanthropy. Like a digital badge, these badges serve as proof of quality and guidance in the otherwise anonymous online world.
What is a Badge?
A badge is a digital insignia. It distinguishes an organization, a project or a person or confirms a status.
We are starting with the introduction of badges for organizations – badges for projects and for individuals will be added starting in autumn. There are currently three types of badges: general confirmations, status confirmations, starting with tax exemption, and awards.
StiftungSchweiz offers four levels of badges identified by different colors: gray, black, pink and red. Each color reflects specific quality levels and levels of commitment. Grey badges recognize basic steps, black badges mark completeness of information, pink badges confirm regular interaction, and red badges signal comprehensive review and confirmation by StiftungSchweiz.
These badges allow you to quickly recognize the reliability and commitment of organizations. At the same time, you can also signal your transparency and active participation in the platform. The badges motivate members to keep their profiles complete and up-to-date, thus promoting a culture of transparency and active exchange.
How to Obtain a Badge
In order to receive a badge, members must fulfill certain requirements, which vary depending on the badge type. These include the completeness of profiles, regular participation in platform activities and compliance with StiftungSchweiz guidelines.
And how do you get your first badge? We recommend the following two badges to start with: the enhanced profile and the award for a committed member. To obtain these, proceed as follows:
After registering on the platform, you can start filling out your organization profile right away. With the following information you will receive the badge “enhanced“, which indicates that your organization profile contains the most important information:
- The most important facts in brief
- Topics target group
- Area of impact
- Current focal points
- Contact details
- For Funders: Application procedure
After filling in this basic information, add a profile picture or logo. Then turn your attention to the statistics section, which contains information on the size, thematic focus and scope of your programs or funding activities. The information in this section is confidential and will not be displayed on the platform (for more information on the statistics section, see this recent article in Philanthropist). Fill in all fields with the most recent figures from the previous year and at least one other year to receive the “engaged” badge.
Ready, steady, go?
The first 20 organizations to earn the “engaged” badge with a complete profile including a fully completed statistics section will receive a free online bootcamp of their choice worth CHF 490.
Fancy more? Then the next series of confirmations and awards awaits starters: the confirmation of a complete profile and the award for particularly transparent users! By being active on the platform and continuously updating your profile, you can achieve higher badge levels.
Overview of the Current Badges
General confirmations: The first badge type are confirmations for general information and basic steps. Users can see at a glance whether an organization is actively managed and how much information has been entered. Organizations can signal their profile quality and are prompted to store useful information and keep it up to date.

Claimed: The organization is being managed.

Enriched: The organization is being managed and important information has been added.

Completed: The organization is being managed, the profile is complete and is regularly updated.

Confirmed: The organization is being managed, the profile is complete and is regularly updated, individual elements of the funding history have been confirmed.

Approved: The organization is being managed, the profile is complete and regularly updated, individual elements of the funding history have been confirmed and central profile elements have been checked manually by StiftungSchweiz. The awarding of the badge is at the sole discretion of StiftungSchweiz.
Confirmation of tax-exempt status: Organizations at Starter level and above can use this badge to show that they are tax-exempt. This information is important for potential donors and other organizations and is therefore carefully checked by StiftungSchweiz.

Tax exempt: The tax exemption of the cantonal tax office was checked manually by StiftungSchweiz.
Awards: The most important badges currently include “Engaged”, “Transparent” and “Networker” for organizations that actively present their projects and programs on the platform and participate in networks.
Organizations use these badges to increase their visibility and demonstrate their credibility and reliability. These recognitions help to build trust with donors and other stakeholders.

Engaged: The organization is actively involved in StiftungSchweiz.

Transparent: The organization is actively involved in StiftungSchweiz and it shows funding history and annual reports.

Networker: The organization is actively involved on StiftungSchweiz, shows funding history and annual reports and is engaged in networks.

Champion: The organization is a champion in transparency, networking and cooperation. The awarding of the badge is at the sole discretion of StiftungSchweiz.
Here to stay
At StiftungSchweiz, we are convinced that the digital world needs a strong system of acknowledgements and awards that supports reliable and effective philanthropy. That is why we are expanding the badge system in the near future to include individuals as well as projects and programs. We hope that this will make our platform even more dynamic and clear and offer all members new opportunities to raise their profile.
Now we are starting with organizations. We invite all members and interested parties to get actively involved and take full advantage of the opportunities that badges offer!